Being marked

Marcus stood at the balcony of the palace at night. He could enjoy the peaceful moment of the night, the kingdom was in panic over the hunt that they had done. 

But he couldn't care about that, all that he had ever done is worry about everyone else and he didn't get anything but pain as a price for his kindness. 

Now he had enough of caring for the world. It was time to take care of himself. His blood lust was driving him crazy at the beginning, after the hunt he was feeling much better. 

The moonlight looked mesmerizing from the balcony. His eyes couldn't look away no matter how hard he tried to stare away. There were fireflies in the air. The air was romantic with a whiff of blood in the air. 

He could only deduce that one of the other royal family members was feeding. Marcus let out a deep breath, as long as his humanity switch was off, and no one interfered with him then there would be peace.