A couple of ex-spies

In the Space Neadle's restaurant, Milena was sitting while enjoying delicious food especially while tasting the pieces of bread covered with cheese fondue.

While she was biting one of her loaves with her cheese, she looked a bit seriously at Ethan, who seemed to be looking at her with a smile.

"What is the matter? I will not give you my piece of bread with cheese fondue. If you want to try it, you are free to do so but you will not take my piece of bread."

Ethan laughed and shook his head. "I only remembered when I invited you to eat in your recovery therapy.

You have changed so much in some way I feel that every time you are moving further away to be able to make your life.

That as a father fills me with pride, but no matter how big you get you will always remain my weeping little girl. "