His shameless demand

"Ok, just forget about the fight and focus on our conversation ok?" he asked her in a very understanding manner and she just nodded her head at him.

"So now tell me, are you facing any type problems in your studies Rose? Can you able to understand everything what the lecture is teaching?" He asked her because he knew very well that she joined the college after ten days of the actual class, when the class had started.

"No Luc...I mean I can understand but not all the topics and that to be very clearly." She replied him truthfully still wondering that how did he come to know about her problem.

"Do you want me to help you in your studies?" He asked her because he really wanted to do that and even he thought in this way he can able to get to spend his more time with her.

"Can you do that!" She asked him disbelievingly.

"Anything for you." He said while suddenly placed a soft kiss on her right cheek and it just again caused her to blush more and more.

"Luc, stop doing that!" she told him shyly.

"What Rose?" he asked him in the teasing manner.

"Stop kissing me every now and then." She replied shyly.

"Why, don't you like it?" He asked her with slight frown. But he knew very well that she always enjoys the kiss given by him.

"I...I..." she couldn't say anything further.

"What Rose? I couldn't able to hear properly. Of you don't like it then tell me clearly so that I will never do that to you." He said while smirking very cunningly at her.

"Stop teasing me Luc. You know the answer very well. So I'm not gonna answer you in any way." She said still with the shy filled voice.

By hearing this he started to laugh out loud her. 'Ohh god, why is she so much adorable and innocent? I think I have already starting to falling for her.' He thought to himself. But deep down he knew that she was his love at first sight.

"Stop laughing at me Luc. Now tell me how can you help me with my studies?" She asked her holding a very gloomy expression.

Then only he stopped laughing and reply her still chuckling slightly "I can teach you shortcut methods, can give you every necessary notes, and will do your test to occasionally to improve your knowledge. I will do anything and everything I can do Rose."

"Really?" She suddenly got very excited. "Ok then, I'm ready Luc. So tell me from when we can start?"

"We can start from now onwards, but before I accept this condition I have some certain demands."

"And what is that?" Now she stood up from his lap and went to sit near him on his left side on the same bench, and he just put his right hand on her shoulders dragging her more towards himself.

"I will tell you after every class my demands. I may have different demands in different days and you also have to fulfill my all demands Rose." He told her by looking at her eyes very intensely.

"What if I can't fullfill?" She asked curiously.

"Don't worry, I will not ask you to do something like that which you can't able to fullfill. Trust me."

"Ok, Luc. If you say so..."

She had even no slightest idea that what he is going to ask her after his teaching class. Now Lucas is holding a very broad smile on his face while thinking about all those naughty demands he is gonna demand from her. 'Its gonna be exciting more and more. Can't wait for that moment anymore' He thought to himself still smiling like a fool.

"So are you ready?" He asked her.

"Yes Luc." She replied softly.

After that he started to tutor her from the starting. He made her understand each and every concept of every topic very clearly. She also was able to grasp the topics very easily because she is always has been a very bright student and the way he was teaching her is the most excellent way and because of his teachings style she really could able to remember everything very quickly. After about one hour of tutoring class finally he took a break. Now it's her turn. He will ask her some questions and she have to answer the questions correctly. Then it goes about next twenty minutes. Luckily she was able to answer all correctly except one or two wrong answers. But Lucas didn't mind her because obviously he likes her and could not afford to hurt her by scolding her.

"Thank you so much Luc. If you daily tutor me like this then I will not face any kind of problem in the future." She said smiling widely at him.

"Ahh...what should I tell you Rose, you know me very well that I'm not gonna do anything for free." He told her teasingly.

Her eyes got wide as she couldn't understand what is the meaning behind his words. She really thought that he is talking about the money price.

"Uh...then tell me Luc how much should I pay you in a month." She asked him in her very innocent voice.

'What!!! Really? Is she asking me about fees! Ohh god, did she really thought that I will charge her for tutoring her?' Now he is completely dumbfounded and he didn't knew that should he laugh or cry at her words.

"Seriously Rose! how can you think that I will take money from you in exchange of my tutoring class?" He asked her in a disbelievingly tone.

"Then what can I offer you other than that Luc?" She asked him innocently.Then he chuckled a bit, as if thinking about something naughty.

"You can give me a lot more than the money my QUEEN. Do you remember what I told you in the starting?" He asked smirking cunningly at her.

Then only she remembered that he told her about something that she has to do anything that he will ask her to do.

"I remember Luc but what do you want me to do?" She asked him confusingly.

"Ok, listen to me carefully." Then he paused a bit and again continued "come near me and sit on my lap and kiss me on my lips!"

"LUCAS!!!" she scolded him while blushing so hard. 'How can he manage to say that to me directly?' she thought to herself. But deep down she knew that she also wanted to kiss him.

"What Rose? you can't deny me now. You have given your words to me. You have to do this."


To Be Continued...

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