The message...

After the tutoring session he urged her for another round of kisses and finally satisfying himself for tonight he again went to drop her at her house at the exact time he had promised to her mother. All along the way her blushing is not taking the name of stopping anymore but she was really enjoying the feeling very well in her mind.


As usual Rose woke up and got ready for the college. Doing her breakfast she went to the college with her father and she also was looking forward to spend her more time with Lucas because of which she was looking very excited.

"You seems to be very happy my dear..." Her dad said smiling gently at her.

"Nothing like that dad. I'm ok as like any other normal day." She said still smiling slightly.

"By the way how is your study going? Are you facing any problems due to your late joining?" He asked her.

"No dad, everything is fine and I can really understand every topics very clearly and further more Lucas also helps me a lot in my studies." She replied and then blushed slightly while taking his name in her mouth.

Her father was a very observative person and that's why he can clearly see that his daughter is really feeling very happy whenever she takes the name of Lucas. And he also seems to be happy about it because he knew which type of person Lucas is. But still he has a slight fear that what if he will leave his daughter in the mid way and will the cause of her broken heart. But deep down he had a feeling that Lucas will never betray his daughter.

"That's so great dear." He praised and she just smiled back him. Finally they reached at the college and dropping her in the college he drove off to his office.

Without wasting anymore time she directly went towards the secret place of Lucas where she found him already waiting for her.

The moment he saw her instantly he got up from his place and went towards her and holding her by her waist he then started to kiss her madly and deeply as if he was just waiting for this moment to be happen only.

Finally parting apart from eachothers he wished her, "Good Morning my queen."

"Good morning Lucas." She replied happily and both were looking as if they are charged fully now after seeing and kissing eachothers for a very long time.

"Let's go to the class... It's already the time. But don't forget to meet me after the class ok?" He asked her while caressing her cheeks softly and she then replied shyly, "Sure Lucas..." After that both just headed towards their respective classes.

In between the class Rose's phone vibrated slightly and when she saw whose message was that automatically a beautiful blush just started to appear on her face. Of course it was Lucas.

[Hey Rose, Meet me right after your class overs ok? Because I will take you somewhere. Don't forget about it ok? I will be waiting for you in our secret place.]

[Alright Lucas] She replied to his message while wondering that where he will take her later.

[Now don't think about it too much my queen and pay attention to your lecture.] Instantly he replied to her with a laughing emoji.

[I'm not thinking ok!"] She replied with an angry emoji.

[Then why are you blushing?] He messaged her along with her blushing face photo at that time.

She just got stilled for a moment. How... how did he take that photo? It was the image where she was just blushing few moments ago! Is he here now? She thought and wondered her eyes all over the classroom but found no one. Even there was no one at the window side also.

[How did you managed to take that photo?] She asked him through the message but as being the warewolf prince he knew very well that how to play with the people's mind. So he just simply replied,

[I will let you know later if you now pay your full attention on your lecture Rose. And if you don't then I will automatically come to know about it and after that I will not even take you to the place that I was talking about. So better pay attention on the lecture Rose and don't reply anything to me now.]

After seeing the message she got very shocked and once again just like an obedient student she paid her attention fully on the lecture because she just doesn't wants to miss the opportunity to hangout with him once again.

On the other side Lucas knew he just didn't had to message her now in between her classes but he just couldn't controlled himself anymore because today he really wanted to take her out somewhere and he was one thousand percent sure that she will like it. And after all he thought that he will tutor her well about today's class and will make her remember everything in a very easiest way.

And about the picture, he had just taken that from the window side of her classroom without her knowledge and before she could able to see him he just got disappeared from there using his supernatural powers, and that's why she was just unable to see him at that moment.

And just like that the class ends and saying goodbye to her she directly headed for the secret place where Lucas was supposed to be waiting for her.

But unfortunately on her way she again got stopped by Daniel. "Hey, Rosaline stop!" He called her from behind and she just got halted on her tracks.

"Yes Daniel?" She asked.

"You seems to be going somewhere urgently. Is there anything I can help you out with?" He asked her trying to be quite friendly with her.

"No Daniel everything fine with me. Now I have somewhere else to go so I'm really sorry ok? I can't talk with you now, see you later bye!" She said and without waiting for his any reply she turned around and headed towards the secret place leaving behind the poor Daniel who was still raised his hand in the mid air in order to say her bye.

Her behaviour really hurted him so much and he also knew that where she was urgently going. But he had already laud out his plan so well and now only was waiting for a perfect opportunity to execute his plan.

Then after something muttering under his breath he also went out from there to execute his next plan...


To Be Continued...