The dress...

Then saying goodbye to those fire fairies Lucas and Rose came back to their secret spot through that dense forest. It was obvious that all along the way Lucas was holding her tightly against his body while scooping up her in his arms and she was also clung to his body like her life just depends on him. Also the forest was so dense and dark that it would have been very difficult for them to pass that if they would have walk all along the way and there was also be a very high chance of her to got lost in the forest completely.

"Let's drop you at your home, it's already 5pm. You have only two hours left." He said after putting her down carefully.

She couldn't believe that it's already 5pm. They have spent about three hours there. But she got confused suddenly that why she has only two hours left and for what?

"Two hours! For what Lucas?" She asked him in a confusing voice.

"You forgot so soon that I am teaching you! For you kind information Miss Rosaline Campbell that today's your tutoring time will be at 7pm and I will come to pick you up at that time." He said flashing a big smile to her.

"But why 7pm? It's too soon." She complained still couldn't understand the meanings behind his words.

"It's because along with tutoring you, you also have to give me my reward remember? And also you have to please me. So my dear Rose, all this work couldn't be done with in an hour or two so that's why I will come and pick you up by 7pm. I don't think uncle and auntie have any problem about it as long as you are safely reach home at 11pm. And also I know very well that how much they have their trust on me, so tell me are you willing to come with me or not?" He explained her briefly causing her to smile shyly at him. Of course she is more than willing to spend her as much as time with him. How could she even think of letting go of this diamond opportunity from her hand!

"Ok fine Lucas, if you say so. I will be ready at 7pm." She replied still unable to look at his face but he didn't mind that.

After that they both headed towards his car and then they drove towards her house. On their way they talked about so many things and enjoyed their ride fully untill they reached at her house.

"Um... Bye Lucas." She said and was about to open the door and get out of the car but he suddenly stopped her by grabbing her hand back and she just ended up falling on him.

"Lucas!!! It's in front of my house. We can't do anything here! Please leave me otherwise someone will surely see us." She said getting scared a little. Lucas is always doing unexpected things but there is no doubt that she doesn't loves this but this time it's happening in front of her house and she can't just afford to seen by anyone by her family members or any neighbours.

"Don't worry the glass is tinted and I will not take much longer time Rose and also I don't see anyone around here, so don't be tense so much. By the way tell me are you expecting us to do something here huh?" He asked looking at her face keenly watching her each and every expressions.

Hearing out him she could only able to face palm herself. Why did she even needed to tell him that they can't do anything here in the car. But she tried to ignore his last question and then asked him back nervously, "But what do you want now?"

Looking at her blushing and nervous face he chuckled a little and then whishpered near her ear slowly, "I was only saying that also don't forget to wear something sexy!" His voice sounded so hot that she instantly got aroused by hearing out his voice. But still she got shocked all of a sudden by hearing out his shameless demand.

"What? But why? And also I don't have any that type of dresses." She replied shyly.

"Is that so? Let's go for the shopping then." He said normally as if it's not a very big deal.

"Now?" She asked disbelievingly.

"Yes!" He replied directly.

Saying this still holding her on his lap he started his car once again. But suddenly she told him knowing that where exactly he is about to go now, "Stop! Ok ok I have only one dress like that." She blurted out suddenly and then only he stopped his car holding a great smirk on his face.

Actually when he had told her to wear something sexy and the way she had denied her, at that time he got sure that she has that type of dress but is feeling shy to admit that in front of him. That's why he decided this plan and here he got success.

"Ok, then be ready at 7pm my queen." He said and instantly pecked her lips before she could even realise that what he just did to her.

She blushed even more and getting off from his lap she got out of the car and turning around towards him she said goodbye to him.

"By Rose, and don't forget what I have told you!" He said naughtily and she turned around feeling very embarrassed in front of him and went towards her house without replying him anything and he just managed to chuckled at her reaction and also was sure that her answer was definitely yes! With that he went to his hospital to do his all pending works because before 7pm he has to reach here to pick her up once again anyhow.

On the other side the moment Rose entered into her room she started to look through her wardrobe and searched for the dress she was talking about to Lucas. Finally she found the dress and when she looked at it her face just started to burn in red and thought in her mind that how will she even manage to wear this dress in front of him? But she also wanted to please him badly because what he had done for her today was something so special for him so that's why she also wanted to make his tonight very special, but how she doesn't know. But one thing was fixed in her mind that she will do everything he will ask her to do and she had her full belief on him that he will never tell her to do anything that will hurt her in any way.

Then holding the dress she stood in front of her mirror and looked at herself in it. Indeed the dress was very beautiful. It was a red rose colour beautiful night dress which was sleeveless and the shoulder area was made up of straps. It was even back less and was reaching till her mid thighs. Even if she wears it then slight cleavage will show outside. The dress was very revealing according to her but actually it wasn't.

Despite of this much of beautiful dress she had never wore this in her life. She had just brought this dress secretly one year ago when her old school friend had forced her to buy this because they were about to go to an party but unfortunately the party got cancelled and she had to hide this dress from her mother especially. But now she had never thought that she will end up wearing this dress in this type of situation...


To Be Continued...

Check out the comment section to see the dress!