Safest place...

Rose got slightly scared when he stopped the car all of a sudden. But not scared of Lucas but scared of the surrounding. The place he just stopped his car was very dark. The road was deserted and scary. Not even a slight light source was seen there. And on top of that all of a sudden the thunderbolts started to occur in the sky with heavy wind blow. Something is very wrong at this place and her gut feeling was saying that they shouldn't be stay here for any other moment.

Thank god that she was still in the car with him and the windows are fully closed and the light of inside of the car was turned on. But she still couldn't understand that why he just stopped the car in the mid way.

"Lucas, let's go from here. Why did you stopped the car? Look this place is very dark and deserted." She said pleadingly because she knew very well that his car is on it's good condition and he just stopped it on his own.

But still there was no reply from him. But the next moment something unexpected just happened. Out of nowhere a very big creature who was looking like a real monster jumped on the car and the moment she just saw it jump and was about to look into it's eyes, at that exact moment Lucas immediately dragged her towards him so that she couldn't be able to see that creature's scary eyes and it's exactly what happened and she couldn't see that creature's eyes which are burning like a fire at that time.

Lucas can literally feel her shuddering violently in his chest out of the fear and he knew why she was shaking like this. If she is shaking in the fear just by the mere sight of that creature then he just couldn't imagine what would she have felt if she supposed to see its burning eyes! But to him it was not new for him, and he did nothing but just closed his eyes for a while and then opened them once again. Now his eyes are looking even more scarier than that creature.

If by any chance Rose manages to look at him then without thinking twice she will just believe that become senseless and when she will open her eyes, that time her biggest nightmare and the biggest fear will be the one and only Lucas. But thanks to Lucas that he was still holding her with his one hand while her head was buried inside his chest as if it's the only one safest place for her.

Then the creature just started to stare at Lucas for some moments and Lucas was also doing the same looking at him as if trying to intimidate it with his murdering eyes, and as if the creature just understood what Lucas had said, he then climbd down from his car and went away towards the nearby forest. After that he again closed his eyes and then opened and his eyes also came back to its normal colour.

"Hey Rose?" He asked her gently and again continued, "Look, I'm here ok? And don't worry the creature just went away to the nearby forest. That was just a mere bear who just accidentally ended up on our car and nothing else. Now please calm down." He said while caressing her back very lovingly.

She was still shaking fearfully in between his arms. Although she couldn't able to see the creature's scary looking eyes, but somehow she still managed to look at it's appearance even it's for a fraction of second and she could remember very well that the creature was very huge and was not looking even a close to a normal wild bear. It was even very dark and eerie. Even the thought of it making her shivere and more fearful and because of that she started to shake even more violently.

"Luc, pl... please let's go out of this place..." She managed to say these words with very much of difficulties that Lucas felt a very sharp pain in his heart. He had never imagined the things to be turning out like this. He thought that those people are really needs a very good lesson from him other wise they won't have just appear out of nowhere and make his woman scared to death! It's not acceptable on the first place to him and with that he just clenched his fist more tightly but here he couldn't loose his control because his first priority was to handle Rose now.

"Rose if you want to stay like that forever in my arms then you can, and trust me I won't even mind a bit and if possible I would love to hold onto you like this forever but please don't be so scared. And stop shaking my sweet girl because I'm here with you and as long as I'm here no one will even dare to touch you ok? So please calm down first." He said to her trying to coaxing her as much as he can.

And like a magic, she started to calm down slowly slowly somehow and he could feel that her heartbeat is coming to it's normal rate. But still she was not leaving his side and holding him tightly while hiding her face in between his chest as if her whole life depends on him and his arms are now the most safest place for her to hide her face.

After that without delaying any further he drove off that car from there towards his house. There was no doubt that he was still looking forward to their night together, and also he remembered very well about Rose's outfit. And a small smile just started to appear on his face because even though he had not seen the dress she was wearing under the jacket but he could only guess that it must be something of his liking, and she will just show off herself in that dress only before him gave him an unknown excitement once again.

Before sometime when they sat in the car he wasn't looking at her way only because of one reason and that is to keep his mind in control. At that time they were alone in the car and no family members were also there so it was very obvious to him to have wild imaginations about her and she seems to have no idea about what's running inside his mind even a bit. And she on the otherside was wondering what happened to him suddenly that he was not even looking at her for an once!

But when he just couldn't control himself anymore and her smell was also uncontrollably started to drive him crazy, that was the time when he just stopped the car suddenly in a deserted road. And he was sure if that monster wouldn't have appeared in front of his car then he must have already done something to her. Because he was just got out of his control and along with him his inner demon also wanted a mere taste of her at that time. She had at that time no idea that how fully she had aroused him as well as his inner demon just by accidentally exposing her shiny , soft and lucious thighs to his eyes.

That time the air between them was very very very thick and both knew that if it went on like this then without the interference of that creature, then along with him she also couldn't be able to resist the tension that was keep on rising in between them and also the whether was adding the extra spices to their thick tension filled atmosphere at that time.

But all these things just vanished into the thin air the moment he thought to touch her and at the same moment the creature just appeared out of nowhere in front of them breaking their future intimate scenes, making Lucas just more than angrier on them than he had ever on those useless creatures...


To Be Continued...