Big fan!

"Open your eyes and turn around!"

The moment she heard these words from his mouth her eyes just snapped open automatically and what she saw at that moment made her heartbeat increased even more.

The admiration, the affection, the love he was holding for her in his eyes can be seen very clearly and for a moment she just got confused that is he really showing those feelings through his eyes or she is just imagining this.

"Hmm... I'm waiting..." He said and his voice was sounding so attractive at that time that she was just bound to obey him and with that she turned around to show her back side to him.

Finally he get to see her spotless back which was glimmering under the room light like a moon. And the colour of the dress she was wearing was giving a perfect complement to her flawless skin. And her slender and attractive legs are just adding the extra perfection to her body. Lucas was just itching to touch her, feel her badly but no not now because he has planned so many things for her tonight and for that he has to restrain himself from touching her otherwise he will just ruin the moment for sure.

Rose doesn't know that what's running inside his mind right now, the only thing she was thinking at that time that now what would he tell her to do.

"Now again turned around to face me and come towards the bed walking while swaying your hips in the process but make sure to fix your eyes on mine." He commanded with the same voice. Then releasing a helpless sigh she again turned around and directly look into his eyes which was looking back at her with full of intensity which just excited her inner self even more. And unknown to her she had already started to walk towards the bed while swaying her hips slightly in the process, the exact way he had wanted from her.

His eyes were keenly looking at her every step, every move and every expressions without missing them even a bit. It's like as if he wanted to memorize her each and every activities in his mind for eternity.

She was feeling so shy that she just wanted the earth to swallow herself the whole into the ground but at the same time her heart desired to please him to his heart's content. Finally somehow she could able to reach her destination which was till the end of the bed.

" what should I... I do Luc?" She asked him stuttering slightly in nervousness. Then she saw him flashing her his all time deadly but gorgeous smirk and said, "Straddle on the bed and come towards me walking on your knees and keep your eyes fixing on me."

Now her all face, ear and even skin turned red in shame. Her heart was thumping so loudly against her chest that it is ready to come out at anytime. But still she compiled to his demand and straddle on the bed in the same way he had wanted her to do because of which he could able to see the large portion of her cleavage. And see was looking so damn sexy at that time that it was almost impossible for him not to devour her then and there.

She has no any slightest idea that what she was doing to him unknowingly. She was just busy in straddling the bed and then come forward towards him walking on her knees. Finally after struggling so much she was now standing in front of him on her knees and it was the moment where he could not control himself anymore and then suddenly grabbed her one hand towards himself as a result she just directly fall onto him completely and to keep herself in balance she hold his both the shoulders for the support.

"Wrap your both the legs around my waist now!" Again he commanded but in a husky voice just beside her ear and he was sounding so erotic that she almost gasped at his words but the tension in between them was so thick that every thing he says she just does that automatically like she is doing now.

Finally wrapping her around his waist she looked up at him only to found out the desire filled eyes of him. Now their position was like she is clung to his body like her life is now depends on him only. She was holding his neck with one hand and another hand was running inside his soft hair and her cute but innocent face was just looking at him in the way that only managed to fuel his desire for her even more than before.

Without controlling himself anymore he pressed his tempting lips against her soft but plump ones. The kiss was fierce, demanding, but at the same time mind-blowing. He just tried to show his dominating side through the kiss by invading his tongue inside of her mouth which was already open for him to explore. She was just a moaning mess at that time and she herself has no idea that what he is doing to her but whatever he was doing was so addictive and sensual that she couldn't help but submit herself to him fully and let him do whatever he wants. In between this fierce kiss her hand was keep on caressing and fisting his hair occasionally while her another hand was placed at the crook of his neck and the thumb finger was caressing his jaw sensually only to increase the heat in between them. while he was busy on caressing her flawless bare back only able to feel her warm skin against his.

Both were completely lost in the kiss untill they both got out of the breath. Finally they parted away and he saw that her hair strands were keep on falling on her face hiding that enchanting face from his gaze. Then he lovingly tucked her hairs behind her ears and looked at her face holding a very satisfied smirk on his face.

"Have you any idea that how amazing you are and how you are keep on driving me crazy day by day?" He asked her huskily but she was not in the state of answering his any questions at that time because she herself was feeling the same thing as he is feeling.

"I'm a big fan of your blushing face, shy expression, and heart stopping smile my sweet girl. I know that you don't have an ounce of any idea that how much you affects me but it's true." He again told her those rare words that he had never said to any other women in his whole two hundred years of life span.

And hearing out his words her eyes went wide in shock but before she could even come out of her socked state he had already started to kiss her lips once again...


To Be Continued...