Possessive beast...

Finally coming out of his thoughts Lucas just vowed in his head but before that he has to teach a very good but dengerous lesson to those boys. But before that he has to handle his girl which is the top most priority for him right now.

As if he doesn't know anything he consoled her and then asked her with his worry filled voice, "Hey, Rose look at me and tell me what happened to you huh? You don't look fine."

But Rose was still holding onto him very tightly not ready to leave him even for a moment. She at first got shocked as well as surprised that how all her tensions, worries just got vanished away the moment she hugged him and inhaled his addictive manly scent. It was really shoothing her soul and made her feel like safe and protected as if in his presence no harm can even come towards her and she will always be stay safe and protected in between his heavenly arms.