Her resisting power...

When this thought came around her mind she couldn't help but slightly felt insecure around him. To know that if he comes to know about this or not, she asked him stammering slightly, "Bu...but Luc why it suddenly crossed into your mind that you should put guards around me?" 

Lucas understood very well that what she is thinking right now. But she doesn't need to be worry because he is not going to reveal anything and then said, "My sweet girl, I just feel like to protect you and nothing else. And don't think about this matter too much ok?" 

Rose then thought that may be he is right that she is overthinking so much and then decided to stop thinking about the matter. 

"Let's sleep my queen!" He said all of a sudden and listening to his words she slightly got shocked and out of words. 

"Are you also going to sleep here?" She asked again to confirm her doubts. 

"Of course, other than where would I?" He replied her flashing a cocky smirk towards her.