Morning Booster...

After hearing out his warning words Rose becomes speechless and also gulped her saliva nervously. Thinking about what he had said just made her nervous and excited both at the same time. But still she replied him as if his words weren't affected her even a bit, 

"All that will be seen later. First you prepare yourself for tomorrow. All the best Luc!" She said and laughed a little. 

"You naughty... I swear I will not let you go just like that. Just wait for my turn." Lucas said chuckling along with her. 

"Hmm... Just come as soon as possible Luc. I'm really missing you so much." This time she said honestly. 

"I too have the same condition Rose. But don't worry I will be there in front of your eyes anyhow tomorrow right in our secret place waiting for you before the class starts okey?" 

"Alright Luc... Now I should go to sleep. Meet you tomorrow bye!" She said.

"Okey, bye good night my queen!"