Skillful seductress...

She just keep on staring at him disbelievingly. But she once again gulped her saliva nervously when she realised that she is indeed keep on paying her attention to her surrounding more than him. But wait, is she even at fault? No way! It's obvious for everyone to do the same thing when they go to any new place as she is doing right now.

"Stop it Lucas! You know the truth!" She scolded him to put some logics inside of his brain. 

"No I don't know the truth Rose. That time also you did the same and this time also you are doing the same." He argued just like a child and she seriously wanted to laugh at him. 

"You also know that everytime you will bring me to any new place I will just act like this. So have you any problem?" She asked him back in the same mocking way increasing his frustrating level even more than before.