




"It suits you so well my queen, even more than my imagination!" Saying this he once again lifted up her legs till his lips and started to place kisses on the tip of her each toes. 

"Luc... umm... What are you doing?" She said while trying to free her leg from his hold because she didn't found it appropriate that he is holding her feet and also kissing it. Even though she likes the sensation it was giving her but still she can't just let him hold her by her feet. 

"Can't you see my dear?" Saying this he once again started to kiss her toes, then shifted to her sole of her feet and placed a very soft and sensual kiss right on the middle of it. She shivered slightly because of it.

"Luc...mmm... It's... It's not appropriate of you to holding my foot. You should leave it Luc." She said trying to free her foot from him but she couldn't because his hold was quite stronger.