Chaotic mind...

"What did you mean that you managed to make him sleep on your own? Don't tell me it's always happens with you when I'm around you and you just..." She just couldn't complete her sentence anymore because it is something she had never ever dared to even thought about. 

Of course she was very well aware about the fact he just said to her. In the article she had read that when a man just couldn't get the help of his partner to get his satisfaction then he has to do that on his own and she even read that how are they doing that in their alone time. 

"Yes, you are right my queen. You just have no idea for how many times I have to persuade my little brother and also had to took so many cold showers only because of you. But don't worry, I'm not complaining you about anything." He asked and she could just watch him disbelievingly. 

"Luc... I... I didn't knew that. I'm sorry..." She said with her low voice once again averting her eyes from him.