Little selfish...

Now they are in the room of the golden castle while he is tutoring her. Tomorrow is her birthday which is also the valentine's day. He doesn't know about Rose but he is so excited about tomorrow. He has planned so many things to do for her only to surprise her and bring the precious smile on her face. 

It was 11pm when their tutoring session finally ended. "Come here Rose." He called her gently to sit in between his lap and she gladly obeyed and went to sit between his legs while he was resting his back on the headrest and she was on his chest. 

"You know what day is tomorrow right?" He asked and she blushed slightly but still replied. "Yes!" 

"I want to make you the happiest girl of the whole world Rose. So are you excited what is waiting for you tomorrow?" He asked while playing with her hairs with his fingers.