You'll know later...

The session went for next two hours continuously and as she had said she didn't focused on anything else other than her tutorial session. She didn't even thought for Lucas even for a second and tried to capture all the things Gilbert had taught her. She didn't even imagined that trying to remember a single word of this language would be this much of difficult for her. But she didn't lose any hope and tried again. 

Thankfully for today she managed to remember every single letters of that language very well with the correct pronunciation. Only she knows how difficult it was for her to remember them. 

"That's it for today. Now you should go and keep practice those things that I had taught you today. Take this with you, it will help you to memorize everything." Gilbert said giving her some old piece of paper like things where the letters of that language was written on that. She took that from him and said, "Thanks Gilbert!"