Meeting with Amira...

Finally she finished her breakfast as well and now it's the time for her to tell everything to her mum. She was feeling nervous slightly and also was debating in her mind on the fact that whether she should tell her about losing her verginity to him or not. But then she decided that she should tell her because afterall she is her mother to whom she always shares everything since her childhood. Then how can she hide this much of big thing from her? But only to her mother not anyone else. 

"Come sit here and tell us everything." Her mother made her sit on the sofa of the living room while she and her brother sat at either side of her. 

"Mum... Actually I had planned a surprise party for him where only we both are invited. We did dinner and danced together and then finally confessed him that I love him." She finished her sentence in short but she could clearly see the happiness behind her mother's as well as in her brother's eyes.