King of hell...

"I think I should go now Daniel. See you tomorrow okey?" Saying this she placed a very soft kiss on Daniel's lips but he just deepened the kiss more right in front of Lucas. 

Lucas had never felt this much of devastated before. And again before he could part them away they themselves got apart from eachother. Rose flashed a very weird look to Lucas and within a second she got vanished in the air leaving Lucas behind with Daniel alone. 

"This time I won Lucas and you could do nothing about it. So it's better that you will just stay away from us now on." He replied. 

"What do you think huh? That I won't come to know that she is not my Rose but someone else? Did you take me as a fool? Seriously?" Lucas asked smirking at him cunningly. 

Daniel again clenched his jaw angrily but didn't showed it to outside because he doesn't want to make Lucas satisfied that his assumptions are may be true.