What are you trying to say?...

"Lucas!!!" Sara exclaimed in surprise because she hadn't expected him to be present here in the garden leaving his court room in the middle of the discussion. 

"Your highness what are you doing here?" Sara asked Lucas addressing him as 'your highness' because he is still the king and everyone should respect him she thought that's why in public when a third person is around them she always addressing himas your highness but in private she calls him as Lucas. 

"Sara leave us alone!" Lucas said in his as usual cold voice while still standing behind Vennesa. On the otherside Vennesa was shivering in fear and because of that she still couldn't able turn around to face him. Along with fear she was also feeling very nervous and that's why she is silently praying Sara not to leave her here alone with him. 

"Yes, your highness." Sara said and in the next moment she suddenly disappeared after flashing Vennesa a reassuring smile.