City of love...

Vennesa remained stunned for some moments. Did... did he just asked her that how is she feeling right now? Is she dreaming or what! Even he is caressing her cheeks lovingly. Why he is being so sweet right now? God... She will gonna be melt completely. But wait... Did he not took the name of Rose? 

"Who is Rose?" She asked him back instead of answering to his question. 

Lucas immediately came back to his right state of mind and when he saw he is cupping her cheeks with his palm he immediately retracted back his hand and composed himself completely in front of her. Why the hell he had to take Rose's name in front of her? Thinking this he started to curse himself inside his mind. 

"I mean how are you feeling Vennesa?" He asked and this time his voice again become very cold and distant as if someone has forcefully sent him to ask him that how she is feeling right now.