
As Sara said Lucas appeared in front of them within two minutes and Vennesa just got surprised to see him there at that time. She really hadn't expected him to be present there. 

"Now you have come here your highness, I should go now. You both just enjoy your timing with eachother." Sara teased both of them and suddenly got vanished in the air. 

Both Lucas and Vennesa remained in an awkward silence not knowing what to do further actually. There are so many questions which were running inside her mind but the only person who can able to answer them just left from there leaving her alone with this handsome being. 

Then she decided to put the topic of that mirror. Even though she was unsure about it but still she has no choice left and that's why she had to ask him about that any how. 

"Umm... Your highness, I wanted your permission about something." She said nervously. 

"Go on!" He said.