The party was today. I will be able to meet with many powerful people who can be helpful to me in the future.
I decided to ask Remus if he would like to come. I said "Anna!". She entered the room she was my personal maid that meant she was always
there with me 24/7.
She entered the room and said "Yes Master?"
I said, "Prepare the car I would like to meet father."
She said, "Yes master."
We didn't live in government-provided housing. You know like the White House. We lived in the private Castle which was made by my Great Grand Father Arthur II Knight. He was once the king of this country.
I then made myself look proper I was wearing a simple shirt and left it unbuttoned at the top for a more casual look. On top of the shirt I was wearing a sleek vest with 6 buttons, it has a very narrow v-line, which allows for a large portion of the top to remain visible, even if the suit's jacket is buttoned up.
The jacket was clearly made for me, it's a perfect fit. It has a tight herringbone pattern which gives the suit a more formal and elegant look. The 5 buttons of his double-breasted jacket are all buttoned up, giving him a sophisticated look.
The Jacket was a deep royal blue in colour. The jacket is the same length all around, it has no vent, there are two pockets on one side and one pocket on the other and there's a breast pocket that contains a stylish pocket square.
I was wearing pants that copy the style of the jacket, both in colour and pattern and they make an ideal combination with his shoes. I was wearing a handsome pair of cap-toe monk straps.
To top it all off I was wearing a luxurious belt and cuff links.
Some people may call it excessive but I am the son of the President I can't look like a bafoon when I walk into his office.
Anna entered the room and said, "Master the car is ready."
I said, "How do I look, Anna?"
She said, "You look, handsome master."
I smiled at her and said "Thank you, Anna. Let's go."
We left the Castle and the driver took us to the Office of my father. We reached the office in about 15 minutes. We entered the gates of the office it looked huge it's design was close to the Élysée Palace. The French equivalent of White House.
We were received at the front gates by security and were escorted to Remus's Office. I entered the office and the office walls were made of stone. The office was decorated with many paintings of ancient artists that lived before the unification of the continent.
The room had many bookshelves and antique coins that were in use before. many animal rugs like a tiger rug beneath the main table.
I looked at my father he was sitting at the centre of the room behind a large arch window that was open. He said, "Edmund this is a pleasant surprise."
I unbuttoned my suit and said, "How are you, father?"
He said "I am fine, just was working on some financials of the continent. Your mother is coming home tomorrow morning before you leave. She has been very busy with the Olas people. They are a handful. But enough about me. Tell me where are you going looking like a stud."
I said "Thank you father it looks like you like the suit. We are going to a party."
He asked, "Who are we?"
I said, "Me, Master and you."
He said, "I can't I am busy with work."
I said, "Fathe I will be gone in a day. I just wanted that we could go to this party and have fun. You rarely come home father let us go to the party and unwind a little."
He said, "I don't know son." I was acting to be sad and he said "Okay, I will come to the party after I am done with this I will teleport there."
I smiled and said, "Thank you, father." We got up from the chair and he hugged me at first I felt a bit uncomfortable but after a few seconds, I felt a warm fuzzy feeling from inside I felt safe when he hugged me. I had never felt like that in my previous life.
He let go and said, "I forgot to ask whose party is this?"
I said "Thomas Riddle." and the sly evil smile on the face of my father was just priceless. I looked at him and asked, "Are you okay?"
He said, "I am fine, What are you planning to gift Thomas?"
I said, "I am going to give him this Dagger."
I showed him the ceremonial Ruby Dagger and he said "Are you sure?"
I looked at him and asked "Why is the Dagger bad?"
He said "No."
I asked "So?"
He said "Nothing I support you fully in this decision. You are an Adult."
I said "O...kay, so I will meet you at the party?"
He said "Sure, son I wouldn't miss it for the world."
I left the office and I thought why was he smiling like that and why did he question my gift?
I left the office and called Klaus he picked up and I said "Where are you?"
He said, "I am ready and waiting for you at the venue."
I said to the driver "Take us to the Riddle Mansion" and we left.
Remus said "Mack!"
Mack entered the office and asked, "yes master?"
He said, "Help me finish this quickly or I will miss a great event for my son."
Mack said "Yes master." and both the men frantically started working.
We reached the Venue and I exited the car and I said to Anna "You can go home now I will come home with Father."
Anna said, "Yes master."
I then looked around for a found master. He was wearing a simple shirt no vest a black jacket and pants the jacket had diamonds, and the Master glowed like a Christmas tree. He had an unbuttoned shirt and his chest was quite exposed and he was wearing sunglasses during the night.
I walked up to him and said "Looking, good Master."
He said, "Can't say the same about you brat." we both laughed. Klaus has become more of a friend than a Master now. He is one of the people I can trust.
He said, "Let's get inside before the food gets cold." We headed towards the entrance and was stopped by the guard.
He asked, "Invite?" I showed him the invite that Lia had given me and he said "It is not valid. Please leave."
I then thought to myself why would she do that then the master stepped forwards and showed his invite from the bracelet and the guard said "Pl...ease Wel...come, sir" The guard was frightened when he looked at Klaus's name.
And he said, "Who gave you that invite?"
I said "Lia Riddle."
He asked, "Why would she give you a fake?"
I said, "maybe because she thought I was a tourist that is why?" I was not mad at her but disappointed. When you make a deal with someone honour it.
We then entered the Hall and waiters came with Champagne we took a glass and I said "Let's see if the night gets worse."
Kalus said, "Let's hope it is passable."
We both then separated and he started to talk to some people and I was looking around for someone and saw her.
(Remus's Office)
Remus said, "Finally done." he sighed in relief.
Mack said "Now let us get you prepared for the Party. I hope that master you don't create trouble for Thomas."
He said, "After today I won't be able to."
Mack asked, "And why is that sir?"
He said, "Because Edmund is going to gift him a Ceremonial Dagger."
Mack was taken aback and said, "It seems like today's party is going to be even more eventful we better pick a good suit."
Hey, guys, this is the first original work I hope that you guys like it and don't worry I will not stop the other series they both are going to get updates. So let me know if you liked this.
Thank you to Dracul91, Draken Phenix, TVTV, Hope Mickelson, Jadu Pandey, Lonnie_Barrar, Knight_wolf, Clonos.
Special thanks to Hope_Mickelson and Jadu_Pandey for leaving a review. Thank you