
Third person's POV

He was awake for the rest of the night just like every other night.

This night however he tried to search the internet for answers to his frequently self asked questions.

Drake was one person who never really believed in the Internet and what it says, but for now, that was his only bet.

Maybe I should start by searching the word werewolf, he thought to himself after staring at the computer screen endlessly for a while.

He typed in the words carefully and waited for the pages to finish loading.

This looks interesting, he thought and clicked on the first link at the top of the page.

"Werewolves are mythical beings which were often folklore of the Europeans," he read the heading out loud.

A slight frown settled on his face the moment he clicked on the link. It was at the image that suddenly appeared.

"I look nothing like these creatures," Drake said his frown deepening even more.