forty one

Third Persons POV,

It was a clear morning three moons had passed after they finally brought the legendary Alpha.

The Alpha whose tale was all they had been told about since they appeared on the strange planet that looks nothing like the one they came from, was finally with them.

Hopes that had been lost was replaced by the appearance of someone they thought they'd never find.

It was after searching the verse earth just to find him, and still couldn't, and they were about to give up all hopes, up until on a beautiful morning when they had decided to bring in the Luna, which they had found, thinking to themselves that the Alpha would come looking for his mate, that they ended up finding them both at the same place almost at the same time.

Two young men and a young girl were standing in the middle of the mountains discussing something within them while they stared at someone seated beside a lake throwing pebbles into the lake.