seventy nine

Third persons POV

Aiden watched the doors as they closed slowly, and thought to himself how this might actually be the last time he would see any of these people, but he also tried to keep positive thinking in his mind as he hoped that he wouldn't end up like the others who had left before him.

"Here goes nothing," he said before turning and heading north.

His theory was that when you have no idea where to go, always head north and you'd end up finding something, or at least that was what he heard from those that were older than him.

He didn't walk fats as he looked around him trying not to miss any single detail from the dead grasses to the dead soil.

He walked on a vast empty field that only consisted of dead soil and dead grasses for a while before he came across fallen buildings.

"I wonder what had really happened," Aiden wondered out loud as he saw the large buildings that had been reduced to nothing but crumbles of dust and woods.