Chapter 229

What Cain wasn't ready for was just how normal he looked. It's an Incubus outfit like he's worn many times before, leather pants, and boots with many spikes and bits of chain mail. He's not wearing a shirt or jacket, and his burnished Bronze skin, with the usual zero percent body fat type heavily muscled physique of a Demon is showing. He flaps the wings he can feel, finding six jet-black and feathered appendages on his back. 

Between the wings and the 250cm height, Cain suspects he is a Fallen Seraphim or something similar. Checking his interface shows that his current form is called [Demon Progenitor Default], so maybe he is in the form of a Fallen Seraphim. In the myths of his home world the first Demon was a Fallen Angel. 

"Looking good this time. You should pick that form more often, use it to scare the children." Vala laughs, walking a circle around him.