Chapter 259

Button comes back in under a minute with the quest scrolls for Cain to accept. She holds them out for Menno to take, then ducks under his outstretched arm with a laugh when he reaches back to give them to Cain. 

"I take hugs in payment." She giggles, looking at where Cain has moved to place a hand on Misha's waist. He's got the [Warming Hug] ability active, and the jealousy of the badger girl is visible. It's clear she doesn't want Cain, but she's unwilling to accept that another woman is receiving affection while she is forced to work with her beloved right in front of her. 

"You just had to hug her, didn't you? Badgers are intensely territorial; she won't be happy until she gets a better hug than your wife." Menno laughs, failing in his attempt to sound exasperated.