Chapter 304 Trade War

Most of the Guild, along with Aggramor and his Guards, are at breakfast in the main dining room, enjoying the collection of delicacies that Brother Liu and his staff have prepared. 

Unfortunately, Cain can't hang around too long today; Duke Chen is already sending him messages about the chaos of the weekly meetings. The commoners living near the border are frightened by the size of the raids and are demanding that the Supporter-led forces of Dragons that Cain had patrolling the area are returned for their safety. 

That isn't practical, but trying to explain that to people frightened of their children being abducted isn't going well for the other Nobles. 

The King is sending patrols, of course, but he's not going to be addressing the commoners until after lunch, when he's finished with the concerns of the Nobles. The Nobles are no less insistent about getting protection; they're just more realistic about what they can expect to see.