Chapter 326

The wail of anguish that Paige lets out truly makes Cain feel horrible for completing the quest. Even after seeing the notification. 

[Stone Of Greed] Destroyed

[Quest Complete] 

"Paige, calm down, see, it was a trick. The stone was cursed and hiding its true nature." Mary whispers in her friends ear as she holds her.

It takes a while for Paige to calm down, but when she does, she's got a determined look that says Cain isn't forgiven yet. 

"Why not try your random spin? See what you get? I've seen some pretty crazy things in that list." Cain suggests. 

Paige doesn't look hopeful, but closes her eyes and collects her reward. They all watch in interest as her facial features change while she checks the visible possibilities, from hope to confusion then to concentration and back to hope, finishing with joy and a little dance before she opens her eyes.