Chapter 397

The farmer they met was an Obsession demon, with light pink skin and black hair, so somehow, Cain had just assumed that his wife would be the same. That was not the case at all, and they were greeted by a 2.4-meter tall wrath demon in a flowered dress, sporting biceps the size of Cain's chest. Wingless and pale white, the lady of the house was roughly cubic, as wide and thick as she was tall.

Now that they had determined that the visitors weren't a direct threat, the children were released to play in the yard again, small pink forms running outside to continue a game of catch in the yard.

"Now lookie here, you brought home nobles and I don't have a single thing to wear. You might could have sent them across to the Davos house. His wife is all fancy like from the city." The large demon complains in a thick accent but doesn't stop her work.