Chapter 531

She went through the Puppet Master's General Skill Tree first, so she has the General Staff ability, to make the Puppets smart and autonomous, but they will still be lousy combatants, and she lacks Cain's ability to create them from nothing.

"That is almost exactly correct. You can animate a doll and make it intelligent. I can make really good ones, like the Kitchen staff, but you can make ones with basic skills and intelligence to do basic things for you. Why don't I make a body and you can animate it as your first puppet?" Cain asked, but Cyrene waved off the notion.

"Too much information. I will get good with these other ones first, then I can work on the Puppets. You will help me out with yours until then, right?" Luna asked hopefully.

"Of course, I will. They already help you all day long, I won't make them stop." He laughed, patting her head just to hear the little happy noise she made when he did it.