674 Prisoner Tour Guide

As they flew, Cain pointed out the various landmarks that they were flying over, including the statue in the center of the city, where a large line was formed again to test the potential of disciples and hopeful young cultivators.

A cultivator's potential wasn't static, many things in life could lower or raise it, but it would give them a baseline or let them know if they had made a mistake and led themselves to a dead end, according to the spell on the statue.

The Demigod cultivator guiding the dragon was getting more and more annoyed with Cain's narration as the flight went on, especially as he pointed out the various hidden Sects by name and greeted every Dragon that they flew by.

The Dragons all greeted him back, and the happy greeting of the dragon on guard duty at his own Sect was the final straw that made the man snap.

"Can you not just behave for one bloody minute? You haven't shut up since we started flying." He shouted.