Chapter 95 - What Was Left

We slowly progress through the cave, keeping the same amount of caution as before, as well as lighting up the path with fire arrows. It's a slow journey, but we have no choice, danger lurks at every corner. As we walk past the previous battlefield, piles of white stones and powder cover the ground, making progress through the tunnel a slow and tedious process, but after a while, we get past it and follow down the tunnel once more. 

I guess there wasn't anything left since we got to the cavern at the bottom without another fight, but just to be safe, we set up a shield wall at the entrance. The goblins and I fire arrows into the darkness, lighting up the cavern bit by bit. Once the coast was clear, we move a bit inside, just enough so that we can fire another set of arrows, this time to our direct sides.


Just darkness.

A good thing, I guess. No more fighting.

"Gibing, anything unusual at the other side of the cavern?"