Chapter 99 - Understanding How to Make a Brick Road

I open my eyes to the world of Settlement, today and for the next or so is going to be filled with hard manual labor. The ground needs to be excavated so that it can be refilled with bricks and trees need to be cut down to get the wood needed to build bridges. Most of the NPCs were already hard at work with their own duties but I could probably grab a few to get this properly started right?

First, I needed to check on old man Hus for the tools. In the game world, it has only been half the day so there might not be any tools yet but can't hurt to check.

"Old man Hus are the shovels and or pickaxes ready?"

"Young lass, bring the lad to the barracks."

"Yes sir! Ian come, follow me."

"Lime, since when have you started to call old man Hus, sir?"

"When he showed me how fast he could make the tools you requested."

"What do you mean?"