Chapter 144 - We fight (Luke Perspective)

I stand next to the goblins, directing them on how to use a spear. After I left the Ikanda and Gobi went inside, I have been taking care of the training. 2 goblins have come out of the Gobin Hut as well so it was my duty to make sure they can perform the scouting tasks to make we are safe. 

The training inside the Ikanda was long and hard, namely the last trial. I struggled inside on that part for most of my time, completing the first 2 trials after only a few attempts. According to Howard, it has been 3 days since Ian and the rest have left and most of my time I have been relaxing with the occasional yell or shout from Sylvia. I miss Ian, Stellar, Solar, and the rest but I don't mind this peace too.

"LUKE! LUKE!" - Melody

And just like that my relaxing, peaceful time ends…