Chapter 166 - Gathering at Ian’s

[ You have died. ] 

[ Live on then, Yet Hang: 3696:12:39 ]

I kept trying to complete the challenge over and over again. Luckily for me, the monster repeats the same set of attacks. By using the curse as a timer, I was able to time approximately when I would reach the spider to when the small spiders would catch up to me. I cleared 2 big spiders only to find a third spider hiding behind and after dying the third spider I came out of the game.

I feel my whole body shake, taking the VR helmet off aggressively and running to the bathroom. I slam the shower door open and turn it on, letting the cold shower drench my body. My entire body was burning, I could feel the skin peel away and turn to dust. I collapse to my knees as my dinner from last night came out the way it came in.

"IAN!" - Rebecca

I glance to the side to see Rebecca rushing toward me, she was still in her pink pajamas. 

"What happened? What's wrong?" - Rebecca