Chapter 171 - I’m Back Everyone!

[ Are you ready for the next Challenge? Yes/No ]

"Yes." - Ian

[ Third Challenge: Defeat 1/1 ]

[ Your HP will be restored to full. ]

The moment the system messages disappear, a flash of emerald light blinds me. I close my eyes and shield my face, but I notice a debuff was applied on me.

[[ Emerald Gaze - Affected user is slowed for 1 minute. -50% Agility 00:00:59 ]

"What? AHHH!" - Ian

A feel something sharp stab the right side of my chest. I grab it with my left hand and feel a cold, hard scythe-like object. I pull it out while thrusting my spider legs forward, but I only hit the air. The cold object slips away from my grasp, and I see something dash to the side, out of my vision. My eyes start to get used to the darkness and I activate Enhanced Agility while focusing on the moving target.