Chapter 175 - 1 More Week

Days pass and I experience the second phase of the curse, when the timer reached, 2628 hours. My scream created panic and chaos throughout the whole of HavenFall as I collapse at the training grounds. My whole body shakes violently and my lower back burns, a feeling I'm all too familiar with. Once the shaking stops, I back out, only to wake up in my house with Melody and Solar looking over. 

"IAN! You are awake!" - Melody

"Sorry… To cause a panic back there…" - Ian

"Stay still. Your body is still recovering from what just happened." - Solar

"It's fine. I experienced this before. It-it wasn't that bad." - Ian

"Don't lie! You know it is the next day already? You were in bed throughout the afternoon and night. You were constantly sweating and shaking while you were asleep." - Melody

"I was?" - Ian