Chapter 205 - Party and Storytelling

"Greetings to everyone here, Mr. Ian and Ms. Rebecca already know who I am but for Mr. Evan and Ms. Sabrina who do not know who I am. My name is Adam. Right now, I will be giving a brief explanation of the safety procedures. Just don't break anything and we should be fine. The private plane will fly extremely smoothly and since our destination is only 2 hours away there isn't much to worry about. Eve do you want to talk now?" - Adam

"What? That's it? Are you serious? ADAM!" - Eve

"My apologies but there really isn't much to talk about? The plane is one hundred percent safe, our pilot is amazing, and you don't feel any turbulence. Just don't break anything and don't go too crazy with the drinks and everyone will be safe." - Adam

"I thought we were going to keep it as professional as possible? You already broke out of character. What am I supposed to do? If I keep it up I'll look like an idiot. I can't believe it… All my acting went to waste…" - Eve