Chapter 224 - HavenFall is Our Safe Haven

Standing up with the help of my spider legs, I grab Rebecca's waist lifting her up as well, kissing her on the cheek. Placing my giggling partner down, I help Evan up as well smiling at him as he pats my shoulder. The both of them looked the same as they did in real life with Evan changing his height slightly to look taller.

"My lord, who are these people?" - Gewari

Turning to Gewari, I introduce her to my friends. 

"Gewari, these two are people really important to me. They are-" - Ian

"Hello there, my name is Evan, or as I am more commonly known, Elves_or_Nothin. Please to make your acquaintance." - Evan

"Ah… okay?" - Gewari

"Don't worry about him, Gewari. I'm Rebecca, but you can call me Bec." - Rebecca

"My name is Gewari, a hobgoblin that serves under my lord, Ian. I am also the vice leader of the Shadow. It is a pleasure to meet the both of you." - Gewari

'Wait, Shadow?" - Ian