Chapter 234 - Kill Guiafairo

Taking an arrow each from their respective quivers, all 3 girls quickly shot an arrow up into the sky aiming at the floating red dots. At the same time, we reposition ourselves with our backs to the wall. With my enhanced vision from the Eye of the Roc, I could catch glimpses of the moving creatures however, their movement speed was too fast to be hit by an arrow. 

Assuming the first arrow missed, the 3 girls took aim once more firing at the closest red dot. Unexpectedly, the creatures dart around creating rays of red light, crisscrossing in the air. One of the red dots starts to zigzag downward, appearing in front of us in mere seconds. Revealing a giant bat the size of an adult with deep red eyes, 2 dirty yellow fangs, and leathery wings with touches of fur on the edges.