Chapter 254 - Discussion Around the Wooden Table

"Ian, what are your thoughts? Travys and the others will be attempting to defeat the Heart in the Abyss today. Shouldn't we go and try to intercept them?" - Kingston

"We beat them once already, it should be easy, right?" - Gibing

"Not necessarily. Like us, they have had a week and a half to prepare their attack, most likely taking us into account since we are their next big threat." - Howard

"Then we just need to take them by surprise with a bigger army." - Gopopo

"Why not just sneak attack them at that point? No need to waste the manpower to defeat them, if we can just kill the more important people." - Stellar

"We can't do that Stellar. It would be too big of a risk for the ones who are attacking them by themselves. There would a high chance that they won't make it out alive if they were to be discovered trying to assassinate their leader." - Yor