Chapter 271 - Shade (Nina Perspective)

"It's so far awayyyy!" - Sylvia

"Less talking, more walking. We need to be at that village around the same time as Celine and the others." - Nina

"I know that but it is so farrrrrrr and are you even sure they are attacking a village? We haven't had a way to contact Ian and the others ever since we left on our journey and now we are on the run from the Horde with Selino traveling with us." - Sylvia

"Well, without me deary, I doubt you would have been able to leave and be glad, Luke won't be punished for our escape. After all, it is deemed that I was the one that helped you escape and not him." - Selino

"He would have been fine by himself." - Sylvia

"No he wouldn't." - Nina

"Yes, he would. He is stronger than you think." - Sylvia

"If he was stronger than the Horde he would have escaped already but instead he followed them like a dog. Don't worry, we will find a way to set him free but for now, focus on running faster." - Nina