Chapter 274 - Coin Flip (Rebecca Perspective)

"Energy Booster!" - Yor

Stepping off the ground, Yor dashes forward, pulling out a short sword, made from a combination of bronze and a Crinzanna Fang. A sharp whistle pierces through my ears as the blade slides out of the leather scabbard as a white half-moon arc approaches Number 88, from below. Noticing the attack, Number 88's body, bloats up, enlarging itself instantly until it was thrice the size of Yor.

Yor's blade makes contact with the blown-up body, producing orange and yellow sparks, as the monster's body hardens upon contact. Like a large black ice sculpture, the monster's body deflects Yor's attack, before a fist is formed in its right hand. Swinging down with speed that does not match its body, Number 88, aims for Yor's head. Blocking in the nick of time by crossing his arms above his head, Yor grunts at the impact as his feet sink into the ground.