Chapter 306 - Andud (Rebecca Perspective)

After following Nina's advice, at the last second, I grab onto Devel only for both of us to float off the ground and disappear upward within the next. Moving from the outside world to this new location, I carefully scan the environment. Devel was on the ground next to me, still groggy from the teleportation and it seems like David was with us as well, in a similar condition as Devel.

Looking around I notice we were in some sort of square room, with 4 blueish-white torches lit in each corner. The torches lit up most of the room as they shone brightly, illuminating a humanoid figure wrapped in a black robe with green runes glowing slightly, standing off to the corner. Noticing the strangeness of the situation, I didn't want to alarm the figure and instead crouch near Devel and David, putting a finger to my lips.

"No need to do that. I know you three are awake."