Chapter 310 - Out of the Room and into the Platforms (Rebecca Perspective)

Shattering in Devel's hands, the skull that Andud was using to speak to us fades into dust. At the same time, Devel reverts to his previous appearance, with the lightning bolt on his back disappearing and his hair becoming black once more. Collapsing to one knee, Devel starts to cough aggressively as blood spills out of his mouth.


Rushing to his side, I take a potion out of the pouch on my waist, handing it to him in a hurry. Desperately grabbing it, Devel gulps down the whole thing, wiping away a small amount of the liquid on his lips.

"Thanks… I only had about 10 HP left. The Death's Embrace would have killed me if I didn't drink a potion." - Devel

"It's fine. I'm glad you are alright, after all that fighting. Sorry, neither David nor I were of any help. We are just dragging you down." - Rebecca

Waving his hand to the side, Devel shakes his head in response.