Chapter 319 - Escape!

Dropping from the ceiling, I see the system notifying us of the change in objective. Reading it quickly, I join everyone else with a worried expression, especially since the dark ominous aura coming from the Reaper bursts forth behind me. No longer wearing a robe, he equips a lustrous black armor, with thin red highlights accentuating the metallic exterior. On his two shoulders sits an obsidian black cat bust and an emerald green frog bust, with amber and ruby eyes respectively. 

However, the most frightening scene was the human mask that sits on the Reaper's face. A grin that never drops and eyes as small and sharp as the scythe in his hands. Wearing a golden crown that glitters endlessly like the night sky, he twirls his scythe around his head and sides like a magician's wand, cutting the floor and walls around him.

"We all read the system prompt right? Any thoughts on escaping him?" - Rebecca

"How's the door behind us looking?" - Helioc