Chapter 347 - River Monster

After letting the three of them create their new weapons, they came back holding onto two branches with sharpened rocks tied to the end with thin vines. Not only that, it seems Scott made some makeshift wooden armor out of several branches tied together by vines. Wrapping around their forearms and calves were this makeshift armor, and to see how sturdy they were I whacked them with the body of their spears. 

Satisfied by their prep I told them to follow me as we wander deeper into the forest, heading further south while keeping the river on my left. I had no idea if there were going to be any monsters this way, but I doubt that matters since I planned to head South anyway and scout out the area for myself. I could have left this job to Gewari or Stellar's Shadow, but where is the fun in that? Exploring is part of the game right?