Chapter 351 - Illusions Upon Illusions

Initially, it felt like I was walking through a pillow, but with each step, I could feel the fog becoming denser and denser. Turning slightly to the side, I see that Gyumi, Solar, and Frank also have difficulty walking through the fog. It feels as if something were clutching our bodies and pushing back, refusing our entry. Despite that, the Vampiric Offspring ahead of us, were already out of sight, as if they weren't affected.

Suddenly, appearing from my right, a tree branch lunges into view, catching me by surprise and wrapping around me. Snapping to attention immediately, Gyumi lunges forward by the dense fog, making her jump fall short. At the same time, I made my spider legs attack the branch, but they could only penetrate the wood shallowly. My feet get swept up from under me, as another branch hits into my ankles, and I get pulled deep into the fog.

"IANNNNNN!!!!!!" - Solar