Aida is moved to hear the story of her grandmother who is finally willing to become Grandpa Masaru's wife. He did not think, his step grandfather was barren. However, because of his kindness, Kinarsih wanted to accompany him until the end of Kinarsih's life.

Ayumi said, "Son, Grandpa Masaru is also your grandfather. Mom dad too. Grandpa Masaru even bought a burial area next to Grandma's grave for Grandpa Chow. He did it because he loves Grandma."

Aida nodded at her mother's explanation. She was silent for a moment as he looked at the photo of his grandmother she was holding.

"Yes, Mom. However, since birth Aida has never met grandmother," her said, looking at the old photo.

Ayumi said, "Your grandmother is a beautiful woman who is gentle. Your grandmother was so loyal to Grandpa Chow."

Her memory goes back to when Ayumi was fifteen years old.

---Ayumi's Memories---

Tokyo, October 20, 1957

Kinarsih was lying weak. Masaru's entire family gathered. They looked sad to see Kinarsih who was lying weak facing the Leukemia he was suffering from. Her face was so pale. However, Kinarsih still tried to smile.

"Masaru, thank you for loving me so much until now. I'm not strong anymore, ..." her said in a weak voice.

Masaru looked at him with a sad face. "Michiko, I'm sorry. You must be sad that you haven't found Edward Chow yet. I'll keep looking for him for you."

With a smile, Kinarsih replied, "Masaru, Edward Chow will always live in my heart, and so will you. Thank you for your understanding so far."

Kinarsih looked at Masaru's father and mother, as well as his eldest relative, Keiko Hirata and Hiro Taniguchi.

"Papa, Mama, I'm sorry if all this time I loved another man. But, I also love Masaru who has cared for and raised Ayumi, even though he is not her biological child," her said.

His parents looked at him with emotion. They understand the problems that Masaru is experiencing. Keiko gently caressed Kinarsih. "Michiko, we understand. We all love you very much, Ayumi too."

Kinarsih looked at Keiko's emotion. "Keiko, I leave Ayumi to you and Masaru."

Keiko nodded. Kinarsih looked at Ayumi who was standing some distance away. He asked Masaru and Ayumi to come closer.

"Come on dear, come here. Come closer to mama," her said in a weak voice.

Ayumi and Masaru sat beside Kinarsih. Kinarsih hugs both of them.

"Mama's gone, forever. You guys are doing well here huh. Mama will always love you."

Ayumi started to cry. "Mama, don't leave me, please,"

Kinarsih looked at Ayumi. "Ayumi, when you grow up, look for Grandpa Chow. Mama has never met him. Mama wants to apologize for betraying his love."

Then, Kinarsih looked at Masaru. "Masaru, thank you for your kindness as well as your entire family. I'm sorry, who can only love you now."

Masaru looked at Kinarsih full of emotion. He tightly gripped Kinarsih's hand. "Michiko, I'll keep looking for Edward Chow."

Kinarsih smiled. "Thank you, Masaru."

The light is getting weaker. Slowly, she closed her eyes, and finally breathed his last. That afternoon, Kinarsih left for good.

Masaru was crying. "Kinarsih, I promise to bury Edward Chow next to our grave. I'll keep looking for it for you."

Ayumi hugs Masaru. Keiko, who loved Kinarsih so much, also cried. "Michiko, we will never forget your kindness to Masaru."

--Ayumi's memory—

After telling the story, Ayumi said, "At that time, we were all sad to lose your grandmother who died at a very young age,"

Aida was silent. Suddenly Ayumi's cellphone rang. He picked it up.

"Hello, Kenji," her answered in Japanese.

Kenji replied from behind the phone, "Ayumi, I've found traces of Grandpa Chow."

Ayumi was so surprised. His smile appeared again. With great enthusiasm, Ayumi said, "What?! Have you found Grandpa Chow?"

Kenji replied, "Yes. He has changed his name to Edward Black. Now, he lives in Seattle, United States with his children and grandchildren. Her son's name is Samuel Reese, and her granddaughter's name is Ellen Reese."

Ayumi was so happy to hear the news. Kenji had sent a photo of the current Edward.

"Okay. Give me the address now. I'm coming to America in two days," her said later.

Kenji sent the address. He said again, "Actually, there is another grandson of Grandpa Chow. He said he lived in Indonesia since five years ago. His name is Erwin Reese. Sam is divorced from his wife, Mitha Arum, who is an Indonesian citizen. Now, his ex wife lives in Jakarta."

While Ayumi was on the phone, Aida quietly listened to her mother's conversation. Inwardly, he was so happy. "Thankfully, Grandpa has been found out."

Meanwhile, Ayumi's face was so happy. He listened carefully to Kenji, her brother explanation, before long, she hung up the phone. Ayumi sat back down in front of Aida

She said, "Finally grandpa has found, Dear. When you go to Indonesia?"

Aida replied, "Maybe tomorrow. I just happen to have a project left to finish."

Ayumi shows a photo of Edward's grandson in Indonesia.

She said, "Oh yes, later when you go to Indonesia, you stop by Mrs. Mitha's house. This is the address. Your grandfather's other grandson lives in Jakarta."

Aida sees Erwin's photo. He frowned. "Mom, he is very similar to his youth grandfather."

Ayumi smiled. "Yes, son. I'm surprised too."

Aida saves Erwin's photo on her cellphone. He smiled expectantly to meet his distant relatives. Meanwhile, in Jakarta, the present. That morning, Erwin got ready to go to work. Her clothes are neat. He headed to the dining table and ate with his mother named Mitha.

"Son, I received a call from your father earlier. He wants you to come back to America one day," her said in Indonesian.

Erwin just smiled at his mother's words. He still enjoyed his breakfast.

Erwin replied in Indonesian, "I actually lazy to go back to America. I feels at home here, "

"Yes, I know. The decision is yours, son," her said with a smile.

Erwin immediately finished his breakfast. He hurriedly left. After saying goodbye, he went to work. Arriving there, Erwin immediately busied himself with his work. He didn't notice, a pair of beautiful woman's eyes were watching him.

She is Risa, an employee in the accounting department. Risa stole a glance when Erwin passed by his desk.

She said to herself, "Owh, he's handsome..."

Risa smiled to herself. Her dreams soared.

She continued said to herself, "Um, if only he took me to lunch… ouch how happy I am…,"

Risa was silent for a moment. He continued to smile, and didn't realize Erwin was in front of him carrying the file. Erwin looked at him with an astonished face. He touched Risa's shoulder.

"Risa? Risa… why are you… smiling to yourself?" his asked in surprise.

Risa gasped. "Owh… um… me again…."

Dewi, the friend next door immediately shouted. "Boo, Risa is thinking about her idol, sir."

"Dewi, shut up!" her said in a low voice.

Dewi smiled seeing Risa's red face. Erwin smiled kindly.

"Risa, don't daydream a lot. Ghost will join later," his said jokingly.

Risa replied, "Y-Yes, sir."

"Yes, it's done quickly. Then hand it over to Mr. Imam. Don't look away too much. It's dangerous, you know," he said with a smile.

"Yes, sir," her said, blushing.

Erwin walked back to his study. After Erwin left, Risa quietly pinched Dewi's arm. "Shhh! ...You, embarrass me in front of my crush."

Dewi laughed bitterly. "You keep daydreaming."

"After all, he's very handsome. Her face is so cute," her said with an embarrassed face.

Dewi reminded Risa. "Yeah, hurry up and do it if you love him. Who knows, you will be invited to lunch with him later."

Risa just nodded and smiled sweetly. He began to carry out the task he received. However, in the middle of her work Risa still thinks about Erwin.

"Um, lunch. Okay, I'll give it a try, he thought.

Risa finally returned to work with enthusiasm. After a while, he had managed to finish his job. He handed over the results of his work to Mr. Imam. The priest looked satisfied with Risa's work.

"Okay. I received the report. Oh yes, I heard the news that you often daydream, yes," he said with a probing face.

Risa was so nervous. He paused for a moment, then replied, "Ng—No."

"Well that's that then. Please don't daydream. Later, your fortune will be on the chicken stake," he said jokingly.

Risa just smiled wryly hearing Pak Imam's joke.

"Okay, Risa. You go back to your work," he ordered.

Risa answered him curtly, "Okay, sir."

Risa returned to her workplace. "Uhh! Fortunately, Pak Imam doesn't know that I'm dreaming of Erwin," her said to himself.

Risa walked fast. When he passed Erwin's study, she took a peek at Erwin who was busy working.

"Erwin, from the first time I saw you, I immediately fell in love," her said to herself.

Risa smiled looking at Erwin from outside her study. However, she didn't realize if Dewi saw her actions. Dewi fad arose. Silently, she approached Risa and patted her hard on the shoulder.

"Hey, what are you doing? Get work, Hon. Don't worry about it," her said in a loud voice.

All employees looked at Risa and Dewi. They laughed. Risa blushed.

"Argh! Dewi, look. Everyone knows…" her said in a restless tone.

Dewi replied with a smile, "You are, daydreaming. I'm not forbidding you to crush anyone, but don't forget your working hours, please."

Risa was silent and lowered her head in shame. With quick steps, he returned to his workplace.

"Uhm ... it's time for a break," her said to himself.