Two days later, in the morning, Edward and Kinarsih's wedding was held simply but solemnly. The wedding was attended only by relatives and some of Edward's close friends, including his superior, Colonel Ernest.

"Ed, congratulations on your marriage," he said, shaking Edward's hand.

"Thank you, Ernest." Edward replied with a sweet smile.

Apparently, that night Ernest was going to Holland. He immediately said goodbye to Edward.

"Ed, tomorrow I will return to Holland. Hopefully we can meet again."

Edward answered. "Yeah, I hope we meet again. Goodbye, sir."

Ernest just smiled sweetly, and immediately left the place. Kinarsih's close friends and some of her co-workers were also present at the wedding. Despite its simplicity, the wedding was quite lively.

After the afternoon, the event was over. In the evening, the two of them sat on a chair in front of Kinarsih's terrace. With affection, Edward held Kinarsih's hand while looking at the stars in the sky.

"Honey, do you see the stars in the sky? So bright shining."

Kinarsih smiled at Edward, the husband who had just married her. "Yes Dear. The stars were so beautiful adorn the night for both of us. Tonight, a very meaningful night for me."

Kinarsih rested her head on Edward's shoulder. Edward kissed Kinarsih's forehead, then embraced her affectionately. "Kinarsih, every second of my time will always be with you since tonight, and for the rest of my life, I will always be yours."

"Yes Dear. Tonight, I'm so happy, I don't want this night to pass quickly," said Kinarsih.

---Eddy's story---

Eddy smiled sadly remembering that night.

"That night, December 1, 1941, was the happiest night for Grandpa. Grandpa is so happy to be able to spend his grandfather's days with Kinarsih," he said with a smiling face.

Then, Samuel asked, "Dad, why didn't you tell mom about this?"

Eddy answered him, "Sam, Martha already knows this. Papa forbade Mama to tell you this."

Samuel looked sad. "Dad, why is that? If mama told me about it, I would look for Kinarsih."

"Sam, papa wants to forget the shadows of the past. Shadows are painful, Sam. Papa wants Martha to be happy, because she is the one who encouraged papa to get up and continue your grandfather's business, Sam," said Eddy, holding his son's shoulder.

Sam fell silent. Kenji calmed Samuel down.

In Japanese dialect, Kenji said to Sam, "Sam, calm down. Kinarsih's child is still alive. She is your half brother. Auntie has no other children from Uncle."

Samuel was silent. Ellen who was so enthusiastic to hear Eddy's story again asked.

"Grandpa, Grandpa's story is so touching. Then, how did grandfather get separated from Kinarsih in the first place?"

Eddy fell silent again. He looked at the photo with a sad face. for a moment, he sighed, then said, "The Pearl Harbor incident. That's what Grandpa remembers. Because of that incident, grandfather was summoned to join the allied army."

His memory goes back to that time. Everyone went back to listening to Eddy's story.

---Eddy's memories---

Buintezorg, December 7, 1941

That afternoon, in the barracks where Edward served, a SW radio broadcast the Pearl Harbor attack. Commander Janssen came to Edward who was practicing in the shooting range. Edward seemed so serious about practicing.

"Ed, there's a telegram from Colonel Ernest," said Commander Janssen, patting him on the shoulder.

Edward was surprised. He immediately removed the earplugs and put down the gun. Janssen immediately handed the telegram to Edward and left.

Edward opened it, and he was in shock after reading the contents of the telegram. With a sad face, he said to himself, "Oh my God, it's only been a week since I embraced happiness, now I have to go. Kinarsih, why is this happening?"

Edward's face was so sad. With limp steps, he faced his superior, General Willem.

"Ed, have you read Colonel Ernest's telegram?" asked General Willem.

"Yes, Sir. I just read it," Edward said sadly.

General Willem sighed. "Ed, World War II is heating up. You and I will join the allied army, and we will depart in two days from now."

Edward was silent. The feeling is so sad.

General Willem continued his words,

"Edward, you are my smartest and best soldier. I chose you because of that. It's been tough, Ed. However, I have no other choice. And what about your father? I heard since you married your father went abroad."

Edward replied, "Dady went to America. His business in the Netherlands went bankrupt because of the Nazi occupation. Papa is back to starting a business with my Mama and Brother in America."

General Willem sighed. "This farewell is so hard, Ed. I have to leave my wife and children, Sulastri and Willem Jr."

Edward sighed. "World War II was cruel, sir."

"Yes, Ed. You're right. The world is tough. Oh yeah, tonight, come over here. Take your wife to the farewell party with the unit," said General Willem, trying to hide his sadness.

"Okay, sir," Edward replied in a firm tone.

General Willem invited Edward back to his workplace to pack his things. Edward saluted General Willem before finally with limp steps left General Willem's room.

As he walked, Edward was pensive. In his heart he regretted joining the military.

In his heart, he said, "If after marriage I decided to leave the military, I would not have to separate from Kinarsih. However, if I retreated now, I would be considered a coward. Unlucky … "

In the afternoon, Edward returned to his dormitory. Kinarsih welcomed his arrival with a smile and a warm hug, although with a feeling of surprise.

"Honey, this afternoon you came home early," said Kinarsih while looking at her husband with a surprised face.

Edward just kept silent while hugging Kinarsih tightly. Apparently, Edward was unconsciously shedding tears. His sobs were soft. Kinarsih astonished.

Gently, hugging Edward she asked, "Honey, why are you crying? What are you crying about?"

Edward was silent. Gently, he let go of her embrace and went straight to his room. Kinarsih looked at Edward with a feeling of sadness and wonder.

She quickly closed the door and followed Edward into the room.

She saw Edward sitting pensively on the bed. His eyes were blank. Kinarsih tried to smile to greet Edward. "Honey, what makes you sad?"

Edward looked at Kinarsih.

"Asih, I have to leave in two days. I have to join the allied army. I'm going to America, for the sake of duty."

"What?! Are you going to America?" asked Kinarsih in surprise.

Edward was so sad. He just kept his head down. As a wife, Kinarsih was sad to hear the news, but a belief strengthened her. She approached her husband who was sitting on the bed. With feelings of love, Kinarsih gently stroked her husband's hair, and hugged him.

"Honey, wherever you go, my heart will always remember you. My soul will always be with you, Ed," she said softly.

Edward leaned his head on Kinarsih's stomach and hugged her tightly. Her tears started to break.

"Ash, my wife. It's not my fault that I chose you. I love you so much. That's why I don't want to be separated from you."

Kinarsih calms him down. "Sssh… sssh… , honey. Honey, look me in the eye. My husband, until whenever, you are still a man who will always live in every beat of my heart."

Edward calmed down a little hearing Kinarsih's words. Slowly, he began to calm down, he looked at Kinarsih, trying to smile through his tears.

"Honey, thank you. I promise, with every breath I take, I will remember you, a woman who cannot be replaced by any other woman."

Kinarsih smiled sweetly at her husband's flattery. She took Edward to lunch. Edward just nodded and got up from his seat. The two of them had lunch together in the dining room.

Over lunch, they talked.

Kinarsih said in an affectionate tone, "Honey, for these two days, I want to enjoy it. In this remaining time, I want to enjoy being with you."

"Ok, dear. I fulfill your wish," Edward said trying to smile in front of his wife.

Edward remembered the farewell party. He immediately invited Kinarsih.

"Oh yeah, tonight we're going to a dance party in the sector 19 barracks hall," he asked.

Kinarsih smiled and nodded. In the evening, in the barracks hall sector 19, Buintezorg, Edward and Kinarsih attended a farewell party with their unit.

That night, Edward and Kinarsih danced intimately to the strains of classical tunes. While dancing, Edward continued to stare in amazement at Kinarsih's beauty.

"Honey, you're so bright tonight. The General's wife is in awe of your beauty," Edward said in a low voice.

"Husband, I'm only proud if you admire my beauty. Tonight, I'm so glad you flattered me," whispered Kinarsih, hugging Edward affectionately.

"Thank you darling. I feel that you are so honored and appreciated," Edward whispered kissing his wife tenderly.

They really enjoyed dancing that night. The romantic atmosphere and the strains of classical music for a moment forgot the sadness that had just been experienced by Edward.

"You know, honey. Tonight is a night that I will always remember," Edward said with an affectionate smile while still dancing.

Suddenly a flash flashed. For a moment, they were surprised. Edward looked at the origin of the lightning. Turns out, a friend took their picture.

"John?" Edward said to himself.

Johannes just waved his hand signaling Edward to continue dancing.

---Eddy's memories---

Eddy smiled fondly that night.

"This photo was taken by Johannes Wong, who was also with us. He gave this photo to me and Kinarsih the next day. However, Johannes Wong died in the war in Berlin in 1944," he said.